Findings for people with disabilities from the Eighth All India School Education Survey

  1. As per the Eighth All India School Education Survey (8th AISES), with reference date 30th September 2009 and published in 2014,[1]
  2. Out of all the schools in the country, only 21 percent adhere to inclusive education for disabled children.
  3. Out of those schools that adhere to inclusive education, the proportion of primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary schools are 60 percent, 28 percent, 7 percent and 5 percent, respectively.
  4. The percentage of teachers who have received training for at least two weeks in inclusive education is only 1 percent out of the total number of teachers.
  5. Out of the total number of schools in the country,10 percent have handrails, 44 percent have ramps, 4 percent have an adapted laboratory and 8 percent have an adapted lavatory.
  6. Out of the total number of schools, Braille books are available in only 7 percent.

[1] Note: Decimals have been rounded off for easy reading.

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